Category Admin Theme
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Added On 17.01.2014
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Flatty - Flat Administration Template

Bootstrap template Flatty - Flat Administration Template
Flatty v2.2 - Twitter Bootstrap 3 Flatty is fully responsive template used to make your administration more beautiful. Flat design is the latest trend in webdesign and you find all beauties of this trend in this Twitter Bootstrap template. Difficult things in your application will look more easier thanks to Flatty user interface. Flatty Comes with support for Each programming language or framework - You can use Flatty template with any programming language or framework in the world! Ruby on Rails - Easy integration with Ruby on Rails framework. Asset path helpers are used in stylesheets, so implementation could not be easier. Ruby on Rails 3 and Ruby on Rails 4 ready! Sass - Built with Sass - because Sass makes CSS fun again. You can customize all Flatty features easily with Sass variables and well-aranged code. Compass - Integrating Flatty to your project with Compass will make you save a lot of time! Compass is offering dozens of usefull features... Some key features Responsive - Flatty will adapt to any screen - from TV to mobile. Bootstrap 3 - Based on popular Twitter Bootstrap 3. Flat design - Very popular design trend. Ruby on Rails ready - Flatty will work out of box with your Ruby on Rails. 42 color schemes - Multiple contrast colors (red, blue, green...) and main themes (light, dark, dark blue). Retina ready - Flatty includes ultra sharp graphics for retina screen. Icons - Font Awesome integration with 361 icons! Documentation - Extensive documentation which simply helps you. Support - Fast, free and outstanding online support. Examples pages - invoice, gallery, timeline, pricing tables, user profile, 404 and 500 error, sign in/sign up/forgot password, FAQ, orders, search results Email templates - confirmation, newsletter, password reset 4 level vertical dropdown Todo lists, chats, recent activities widgets Calendar Various charts Select2 for better selects, color pickers, date pickers Autosizing textareas, character counter, masked inputs Password strength meter Form validators Form wizard Country flags Address book Inplace editing, file trees, file upload plugin WYSIWYG editors Datatables, responsive tables Many more...
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