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Added On 10.03.2014
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MoonLight Bootstrap Responsive Forum & Helpdesk

Bootstrap template MoonLight Bootstrap Responsive Forum & Helpdesk

What is our HTML Forum & Helpdesk template?
Well, it’s not actually a ready made skin for a bulletin board system or a ticket system out there (of course you can use it for them too, but it’s not actually a ready made theme exclusively for them)! but it’s a HTML template for those who like to have their own Forum/Helpdesk systems and looking for a clean and Flat design to get started with! Also great for those who are going to develop a Forum/Helpdesk Wordpress plugin and etc… 

It contains all of the pages and components that we have thought a bulletin board system or a ticket system may need like registration, users/admins profiles, categories and etc… 

A pro and optimized template!
We have made the template so optimized and light in all aspects! First customized a Bootstrap skin and then added the customized compontents into new CSS and JS files to modify the pages easier and faster and also help the template to be as light as possible for a better user experience. 

Everything you need, easy to reach!
We have put all of the pages and elements that these systems may need. Clean on both sides, back-end area (Standard structure) and front-end (100% Responsive

HTML 5 tags, CEO Friendly
We have also thought about the semantic meaning of the template! Just checkout the template’s different pages with an HTML Outliner. The pages’ structure is completely standard and CEO Friendly :) 

Main Features

  • Bootstrap 3.1
  • HTML5
  • 100% Responsive design
  • FontAwesome integration
  • JQuery components
  • Ajax and PHP Newsletter component
  • Ajax Filtering
  • Ajax Pagination
  • Ajax Rating
  • Ajax Sorting
  • Clean CSS and customized Bootstrap skin
  • Cross-browser Compatible
  • Well documented. Clean help files and commments everywhere!

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