Category Theme components
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Added On 21.01.2014
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Additional Colors/Sizes

Bootstrap template Additional Colors/Sizes
185 NEW custom styles! You are bored of the normal Bootstrap colors and styles? No problem - this package contains 185 different element additions. If it's color, size or the navbar - everything is included! Just include the style.css in your page to get access to all these elements. Feature overview 6 Navbar colors 72 Button colors 9 Button sizes 14 different buttons border-radius 20 Progressbar colors 4 Progressbar sizes 14 different progressbar border-radius 16 Label/Badge colors 4 Label/Badge sizes 6 Alert colors Don't waste more time customizing Bootstrap for you. Just include ONE file and save time! Even the .less files of this package are included. You can easily create more and your own custom colors.
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