Category Landing pages
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Added On 08.09.2015
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STOKER - Responsive Landing Page

Bootstrap template STOKER - Responsive Landing Page

Main Features

  1. Three huge html sample files with a lot of sample content sections
  2. Working PHP Contact form and form validation
  3. Coming with three sample landing page designs
  4. Responsive (Based Bootstrap 3.3.4)
  5. Font Awesome Icons
  6. Slider (Bootstrap default slider and Owl Carousel script)
  7. Parallax Backgrounds and scrolling animations (by skrollr.js and smoothscroll.js)
  8. Video Backgrounds
  9. Fluid and fixed width (combinable)

Developer Features

  1. Node package Manager sources (package.json)
  2. Bower source file (bower.json)
  3. Gulp Tasks (gulpfile.json) with some basic tasks (gulp-dist, gulp-watch, gulp-sass etc.)
  4. Bootstrap SASS

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