Category Admin Theme
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Added On 08.09.2015
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Cube Bootstrap Admin Theme + AngularJS

Bootstrap template Cube Bootstrap Admin Theme + AngularJS

Cube is a lightweight responsive admin theme, offering you wide variety of customizable pages and plenty of UI components. We have put extensive effort to make easy to use interface, fully responsive and retina ready, which means it is fullycompatible with modern mobile devices such as iPhone, iPad, Android and Windows platforms. Cube can be used for any type of web applications: admin dashboards, eCommerce backends, CMS, CRM, SAAS and websites for business, corporate, portfolio, blog.

Customize your admin theme as much as you want, you have lots of layout possibilities, skin options which gives you unlimited variations and colors.

Its build with SCSS (Sass) preprocessor of CSS which allows you to include only components you need and create your own personal version of Cube. We have also made port to LESS preprocessor, which is also included.

Additionally, we have included awesome AngularJS framework. Theme loads faster and every request is processed with Ajax.

We hope that it will provide a new virtual home for your team or business.

About Cube Theme

  1. Flat & modern look
  2. 8 different skins
  3. 5 Layout options
  4. SCSS (SASS) & LESS versions
  5. HTML & AngularJS versions
  6. Lots of custom widgets
  7. RTL (right-to-left) Support
  8. Clean typography
  9. Responsive design
  10. Built with Bootstrap 3.3+
  11. Well organized and commented code
  12. Retina-ready icons – FontAwesome and Halflings
  13. Responsive Graphs and charts for all your possible needs (xCharts, Flot, Morris, Dygraphs and others)
  14. Various forms and wizards
  15. Three level navigation
  16. Email templates
  17. Responsive tables with support for advanced Data tables
  18. Calendar
  19. Responsive Gallery with drag&drop features
  20. Various UI elements, ranging from different types of sliders to badges and alerts
  21. User Profile
  22. Lot of custom pages, such as two types of Projects, Search results, Timeline, Login, Error pages (404,500), Pricing tables, invoice, FAQ

Included third party plugins

  1. Bootstrap
  2. jQuery
  3. FontAwesome
  4. Bootstrap Datepicker
  5. Bootstrap Timepicker
  6. Bootstrap Daterangepicker by Dan Grossman
  7. Wizard by Panopta
  8. Dropzonejs
  9. FullCalendar
  10. Hogan
  11. jVectorMap
  12. jQuery Hotkeys
  13. jQuery Knob
  14. Masked Input
  15. Nestable jQuery
  16. noUiSlider
  17. Pwstrength
  18. Slimscroll by Piotr Rochala
  19. NanoScroller
  20. Moment by Tim Wood
  21. Morris Charts
  22. Raphael
  23. Rainbow
  24. Select2
  25. Typehead
  26. Fuel UX Wizard
  27. xCharts
  28. Bootstrap Wysiwyg
  29. ckEditor
  30. Flot charts
  31. Pace
  32. X-Editable
  33. dataTables
  34. dygraph
  35. Hopscotch
  36. AngularJS
  37. Animate.css
  38. Codrops
  39. Sparkline
  40. Summernote Editor
  41. Skycons
  42. Weather Icons
  43. Masonry
  44. FooTable

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