Category Landing pages
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Added On 08.09.2015
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Tyumen - Coming Soon Template

Bootstrap template Tyumen - Coming Soon Template

Tyumen - is a under construction / coming soon template with a countdown timer, responsive layout and css animations when you scroll.


  1. Built on Bootstrap 3.3.1
  2. Fully Responsive
  3. FontAwesome icons 4.2
  4. Google Fonts
  5. Google Maps
  6. CSS Animations and Transitions
  7. Animation effect
  8. Background slider
  9. Responsive video
  10. Animations When You Scroll


  1. jQuery
  2. Bootstrap
  3. The Final Countdown for jQuery v2.0.2
  4. Backstretch - v2.0.4
  5. FitVids 1.1
  6. WOW - v0.1.9
  7. GMaps.js v0.4.11
  8. Google Fonts
  9. Fontawesome
  10. Animate.css
  11. Background images
  12. Video - Bart van der Gaag
  13. Preload image

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