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Added On 21.01.2014
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Lenord - Single Page Bootstrap Theme

Bootstrap template Lenord - Single Page Bootstrap Theme
Lenord is a next generation responsive bootstrap theme filled with tons of exiting features. It is a single page theme which includes lot of cool animation effects which attracts your visitors. Here are the complete list of features of Lenord. Features: It comes with Revolution slider which costs $12. But free for you. It supports lot of cool animations using animate.css. It uses jQuery waypoints plugin to start the animation when you reach the element. It comes with all necessary sections like Home, About, CTA, Hero, Portfolio, Contact, Service, Pricing table, etc., Portfolio with prettyPhoto plugin. Changelog: Version 1.2: Revolution slider fix. (index.html & style.css) Version 1.1: Revolution slider fix.(custom.js) Version 1.0: Initial Release.
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