PHP 7.1

PHP 7.1 has been released with more features

The version 7.1 has come with some major features and updates. As a developer you should know the latest updates of the technology you are working. As PHP 7.1 has been released so developers must saw these features which are in the latest update.

Nullable type in PHP 7.1

You can return null from a function. The version introduce nullable types to return null value from function. The feature was already supported in in c# and java.

The Void Function

It is an important feature to this version. The addition of much awaited void function will ease to set the return type of your function as void.

Iterable pseudo-type

The new version has a new pseudo type which is similar to callable. It accepts either array or object and it can be used in parameter and return type.

Multi catch Exception Handling

Now you can catch more than one exception in php 7.1 and can handle multiple exception at a time .

Support for negative string offset

As a developer now you are able to use negative offset for string manipulation or can index it with ([]) or ({}). You will also able to use simple variable parsing syntax inside string.

Support for keys in list()

Now as a developer you have the choice to specify the keys while creating a list by list() function. You can also use the new shorthand syntax  [()].

Conversion of Callable to Closure

The new version of PHP has a new static method closure::fromCallable() within the closure class to convert Callables to Closure objects.

Asynchronous signal Handling in PHP 7.1

A new function pcntl_async_signals() has been introduced to handle asynchronous signal handling. It will reduce the overhead.

HTTP/2 server push support in ext/curl

New constants CURLMOPT_PUSHFUNCTION,CURL_PUSH_OK and CURL_PUSH_DENY have been added in PHP 7.1.

Other than these attributes several new attributes are also included so PHP developers should know these updates to introduce new functionalities in their development.